315 Church Street, Hawley, PA 18428
Worship - Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8:30AM - 3:30PM

Our Work
The Shepherd and Sheep Program at
Hawley United Methodist Church
Are you or someone you know in need of extra support, prayer, or connection during a
difficult time?
Our Shepherd and Sheep Program is here for you!
This "buddy system" is designed to ensure that no one in our church family feels forgotten. Whether you are homebound, going through a tough time, or simply in need of extra prayers, our Shepherds are here to walk with you.
How It Works:
Shepherds are volunteers who will be assigned to keep in regular contact with their Sheep. They will offer prayer, support, and encouragement during difficult times and be a comforting presence to those in need.
Sheep are those who may be homebound, experiencing challenges, or needing extra prayer and care over the long term.
Want to Get Involved?
Become a Shepherd: Help care for and pray for someone in need.
Become a Sheep: Receive support and encouragement.
Nominate someone who could use extra prayer and connection during a challenging time.
How to Sign Up:
Contact Rev. Rebecca or the Care Team to join the program or to let us know of someone who could benefit from this loving ministry.
Rebecca L. Holland, M. Div. OSL
Hawley United Methodist Church
315 Church St.
Hawley, PA 18428
Office: 570-226-3875
“For we walk by faith and not by sight.” — 2 Corinthians 5:7
Disability Ministries Task Force of the Susquehanna Conference, Chair
Author Blog: BeckieWrites.com (Focusing on Faith, Books, and Disability Awareness)