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Pastor - Rebecca Holland -

Office Administrator - Jennifer Delia   

Treasurer - Michelle Westbrook -

Music & Chancel Choir Director - Joy Stebbins 

Bell Choir Director - Celia Trayes 

Sexton - Grace Frisbie 


Leadership Council

The new Leadership Council functions as governing council, trustees, and finance team with sub committees as needed for specific projects.

Chair - Meredith Hellstern

Secretary - Barb Luciani

Lay Leader - Ellen Silsby

Staff Parish Relations Chair - Janice Lee

Endowment Chair - Larry Kipp 

Lay Delegate to Annual Conference -  Dave Pugh

Trustee Specialists - Dave Zeiler, Tom Bates

Encounter God - TBD Member of Worship Team

Walk Together (and Safe Sanctuaries) - Brenda Zeiler

Seek to Serve - Ginny Hack


Administrative Support

Financial Secretary - Dianne Sandercock

Facilities Manager - Brian Lee


Staff-Parish Relations Committee

Chair - Janice Lee

Ellen Silsby

Dave Pugh

Rich Betz

Diane Livingston

Sharon Wharton


Ministry Leaders

Honduras Mission Team - Joe Faubel 

Worship Team - Marcia Knisely & Cindy Wright

Sojourner’s Cafe - Ginny Hack

Care Team  - Dianne Sandercock

Youth Group - Dave & Shannon Pugh

Church leaders can be contacted through the church office 570-226-3875 or

Pastor - Michelle Whitlock -
Church Office Administrator - Jaime Brown -   
Community Pantry Coordinator - Pat Broughton -   
Music & Chancel Choir Director - Joy Stebbins 
Bell Choir Director - Celia Trayes 
Treasurer - Michelle Westbrook -
Financial Secretary - Dianne Sandercock 
Staff Parish Relations Chair - Dave Pugh 
Chair of Church Council - Bonnie Carney 
Lay Leader - Linda Bancroft 
Honduras Mission Team Leader - JoeFaubel 
Trustee Team Co-Chair - Dave Boogertman 
Trustee Team Co-Chair - Mike Manning
Finance Team Chair - John Carney 
Endowment Team Chair - Larry Kipp
Worship Team Chair - Marcia Knisely 
Education Team Chair - Jane Cullum 
Youth Team Chair - Scott Beard 
Safe Sanctuaries Team Chair - Melissa Jones 
Care Team Coordinator - Lora Efinger 
Nursery Attendant & Sexton - Grace Frisbie 

Church leaders can be contacted through the church office 570-226-3875 or

Sundays at HUMC


Informal Traditional Worship with Holy Communion in the Sanctuary



Sunday School for Pre-K through 8th Grade

Coffee and Fellowship in the Great Hall



Creative Family Worship with Holy Communion in the Sanctuary

Nursery Care Available for children under 5 years old



Coffee and Fellowship in the Great Hall

Learn more about our worship services and musicians on the worship page.


A Word About Children


Children are always welcome in worship at Hawley UMC! We love to worship as an intergenerational congregation, and we encourage children to participate in the worship service. Lap desks with crayons, notebook, pencil, and markers are always available at the back of the sanctuary. In addition, children at the 10am service are usually given a hands on, quiet activity related to the sermon.   

Please return lap desks and supplies to the baskets by the door as you leave so we can prepare them for the next week. Sometimes, young children need to make noise or move beyond the pews. When this happens, we encourage you to take children into the memorial walkway until they are ready to come back to worship.

Children under 5 are also welcome to play during the service in our staffed nursery. Nursery children usually return to their parents in the sanctuary for communion.


We have started the new curriculum called FaithWeavers from Group Publishing.   It is an intergenerational curriculum which includes materials which include a parent or guardian. 

We have setup  3 Sunday School classes as an experiment, hoping to have more children in each class to make them feel more like a group.  We would like to know what you think about the curriculum and the classes.
Your children/youth  are precious.  The focus is to invite children and youth to experience all of the joy and the love of building a relationship with God and knowing His story. 
Thank you so much for bringing your children/youth.
The Sunday School Teachers

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