315 Church Street, Hawley, PA 18428
Worship - Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8:30AM - 3:30PM

Rev. Rebecca L. (Torres) Holland, M.Div. OSL
Rev. Rebecca L. (Torres) Holland, M.Div. OSL
Rebecca is an ordained elder in the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is an author and the pastor of Hawley United Methodist Church in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Rebecca the chair of the Disability Ministry Task Force of the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is passionate about making both the church and the world accessible for people with disabilities.
Rebecca graduated in 2011 with a B.S. in English Education. After graduation, she attended Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington D.C., where she earned her Master of Divinity in 2014. While at Wesley Seminary, Rebecca served as a pastoral intern at a cooperative parish where she gained experience working with both a large congregation and a small ethnically diverse congregation.
While in D.C., Rebecca also served as a pastoral intern at the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) located on Capitol Hill. During her time at GBCS, Rebecca gained experience working with issues of social justice, including the Imagine No Malaria Campaign. She was ordained as an elder in the United Methodist Church in June of 2018. She is a member of the Order of St. Luke.
Rev. Rebecca is the author of three books: a small poetry book, The United Methodist Church & Disability: Essays and Practical Tips for Churches, Clergy, and People with Disabilities, and Hope for the Broken: Using Writing to Find God’s Grace, is now available.
Rebecca and her husband live in the Hawley Parsonage. They are the proud parents to Wesley the Dog.
—Rev. Rebecca L. Holland, M. Div. OSL
Hawley United Methodist Church
Office: 570-226-3875
“For we walk by faith and not by sight.” — 2 Corinthians 5:7
Disability Ministries Task Force of the Susquehanna Conference, Chair
Author Blog: http://www.BeckieWrites.com
(Focusing on Faith, Books, and Disability Awareness)
Leadership Council

Jenn Delia
Jenn Delia is our church manager and Rev. Rebecca’s right-hand girl. She is a mom to Anthony (Ace) Jr and a fur mom to Marshall Dillon, as well as a published poet in four books. She is from New Jersey and moved to Pike County in 2021. Jenn spent her childhood at her parish where her father worked at a church for 32 years and now she is following in his footsteps. Jenn prefers her weekends spent at tattoo parlors or at the park with her son.

Joy Stebbins
Music & Chancel Choir Director
Joy Stebbins began her piano lessons at age 3, and organ lessons at age 5. Her first organ concert was at age 7 on a 3 manual pipe organ. Joy was a guest with a soloist with Allentown Symphony at ages 8 and 11. As well as a duet with Drew Spear's “Carnival of the Animals” with Philadelphia Symphony at age 12. In 1975 she rehearsed, accompanied, and conducted the Lehigh Division of “If My People” Cantata which debuted in Texas with Dean Jones narrating.
Joy has been not only a successful musician but an Organist and Choir director for 52 years, and a piano and organ teacher for 49 years. Joy was brought to HUMC by a dear friend, Marlee Olsen. Joy was welcomed with open arms by our congregation. We are blessed to have such a talented kind heart.

Celia Trayes
I began attending Lakeville United Methodist Church when Dick and I moved to Hawley from Pen Argyl and Bangor area by way of Philadelphia in 1976. He had attended veterinary school and I was teaching when we transitioned here. I continued to teach at the St. Vincent’s Catholic School in Honesdale. As our three children got older and their school friends started attending this location, we
started coming here too, around 1987. I got very involved in the church immediately, teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir, and eventually became the superintendent of Sunday School.
In 1990, the church acquired two octaves of English handbells and formed a choir under the direction of Ginger Fennel. Ringing handbells with other ringers was fun and enriching, I got addicted. I had the opportunity to take over as director in 1995 and from then on, we called ourselves, the Joyful Ringers. Each year, given the generosity and enthusiasm of the choir and our supporters, we have been able to grow our collection of bells and expand the number of choir member. [shameless plug for the Joyful Ringers: we are always looking to recruit you!] Throughout my time in this church, selecting and playing music that enhances the worship
experiences and deepens the faith of the community has been my greatest joy.
In my free time, I enjoy time outside and with my loved ones – gardening, e-biking, golfing, cooking for my family and friends, and most of all, laughing with my grandkids.

Brian Lee
Head of Maintenance and Facilities Coordinator
Brian’s dedication to keeping the church's physical space welcoming and functional is a true blessing to the congregation. His generosity is greatly appreciated, because he volunteers his time out of the goodness of his heart and his desire to serve Christ.
Brian's journey with Hawley UMC began when he was asked to serve as a trustee in 2020. Originally from Spring City, PA, Brian's work history includes employment at lumber yards and New Hanover Township Public Works. He has also served as a volunteer firefighter for an impressive 33 years, often taking on roles like Chief Engineer of trucks and even company president. When he's not dedicating his time to the church, he takes pleasure in working around his own house and guest house, staying updated with a police scanner, and watching baseball and football. As a big NASCAR fan.
Hawley UMC's "small but mighty" community is a source of joy for Brian, and he brings a wealth of experience to his role. With a background that includes years of experience at a large church, Brian's expertise ensures that the Hawley UMC's facilities are well-maintained and ready to serve its members and visitors

Sara Cox
Sara started bookkeeping for her home church in April of 2008, in addition to her fulltime job with Wayne Highlands School District. In the next few years she took on 3 more local
churches and a nonprofit victim services agency. The business kept growing and by 2018 she had 20 clients. At that point Dutch Girl Bookkeeping was officially born.
The mission of Dutch Girl Bookkeeping is to use the God-given gifts to take the stress out of financial management so clients can use their gifts/talents to grow their organizations.
Dutch Girl Bookkeeping takes client data security seriously and in 2022 I installed a dedicated server system with firewalls and multiple security features. I also carry Data Breach, Error & Omissions, and Liability Insurance Policies.